Regular services take place in church as follows


8.00 am  Said Eucharist

9.00 am  Morning Prayer

10.00 am  Sung Eucharist   These services are generally livestreamed on our website and can be watched here  On the first Sunday of the month music is led by our worship band

Monday - Wednesday:

8.00 am Morning Meditation


10.00 am  Morning prayer

2nd Wednesday: 10.00 am Said Eucharist


5.00 pm  Kids' Club and Service


12 noon:  Monthly Requiem service, held on the first Saturday of every month.   Remembering the recently departed and those for whom an anniversary of death falls in the month.  These services are livestreamed to be watched here.   They are available to watch below or on our streamed services page for the remainder of the month

On Monday evening there is a service of Compline held remotely over the telephone (see our home page for details)