Our Clergy:

Our new Vicar, Revd Yunghee Koh was Inducted in January 2024.    She is supported in the parish by Assistant Priest, Fr Mark Smith, two Readers and a Southwark Pastoral Auxiliary.

They are available and always happy to discuss issues and questions about the Christian Faith, as well as to offer prayer for yourself or others.

Our Vicar:

The Revd Yunghee Koh

Yunghee head and shoulders

020 8306 4781 / 07362 393915

email Revd Yunghee

Our Assistant Priest:                                    

Fr Mark

Fr Mark Smith  [photograph by permission of Nigel Barrett]                                                             

020 8310 5063    Click here to email


Our Lay Ministers:

Reader CarolineReader Darren

 Reader Caroline Ogden                        Reader  Darren Latty

Our SPA:   Wilhelmina Buckley 020 8311 7222

Our Church Wardens can be contacted regarding urgent church business:

  Corinne                  Vic

  Corinne Botten                 Victor Kellman

   020 3624 6143                   07908 809969                                    

click here to email.                   click here to email