Holy Week and Easter Services

All are welcome at our Holy Week and Easter Services this year, which are listed below.    You can also download a printable leaflet

Monday 25 – Wednesday 27 March

Who is my Neighbour?

We will look at, study and reflect on three pictures
(a different one each day) from the National Gallery

Each evening, in church at 7:00 pm


Maundy Thursday, 28 March

7:30 pm Maundy Thursday Liturgy with reception of oils,

foot washing* and Eucharist,

in church and livestreamed

8.30 – 10:30 pm  Vigil* in church

*Sign up for foot washing and vigil here or at back of church


Good Friday, 29 March

11:15 am Walk of Witness (starting from St Mary’s Welling)

2:00 pm  Good Friday Liturgy with Veneration of the Cross,
in church and livestreamed


Holy Saturday, 30 March

8:00 pm Easter Fire, Easter Vigil and First
Mass of Easter, in church and livestreamed

Easter Day, 31 March

8:00 am Said Eucharist in church

9.00 am Morning Prayer in church

10.00 am Sung Eucharist, in church and livestreamed